Get started quickly!The easiest way to extract genomic DNA
Extraction of genomic DNA (gDNA) is a routine molecular biology laboratory technique. Genomic DNA contains all the genetic and chromosomal material of an organism, which encodes all the components necessary for life. Experiments such as the study of individual genes or the sequencing of entire genomes[1] are a crucial first step in large-scale epidemiological studies [2, 3].
Due to the constant evolving nature of influenza viruses, the demand for genomic analysis in various disease studies is increasing, which also increases the need for extracting large amounts of genomic DNA. It is important to extract high quality genomic DNA quickly and efficiently and perform numerous downstream applications. The sample forms and applications of gDNA extraction are very divers, such as DNA extraction from Buccal Swabs to detect oral bacteria and oropharyngeal cancer risk; performing deep throat sputum and nasal sampling for the detection of respiratory viruses; and extracting DNA from whole blood samples to detect and monitor disease in cancer patients, etc..[4-6].
However, the various traditional methods of gDNA extraction have been associated with many drawbacks, including complicated procedures, long time, low yield, high cost, compromised quality, use of hazardous reagents, and are only applicable to certain types of tissues [3, 7-11].
However, the various traditional methods of gDNA extraction have been associated with many drawbacks, including complicated procedures, long time, low yield, high cost, compromised quality, use of hazardous reagents, and are only applicable to certain types of tissues [3, 7-11].
TOOLS provides a simple, time-saving, and affordable method for quick DNA Extraction. EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution (TTJ-QS100) is a product that simplifies many operational steps. Compared to traditional gDNA extraction methods, it takes less time, without the use of toxic chemicals or any extra material, requires only heat treatment and simple vortex, and takes only 3-6 minutes to effectively extract gDNA. DNA samples collected with EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution are validated stable and compatible for PCR and real-time PCR analysis.
And the procedure is easily scaled to process hundreds of samples for high-throughput analysis. EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution is suitable for a wide range of samples, including various animal tissues, cells and whole blood.
And the procedure is easily scaled to process hundreds of samples for high-throughput analysis. EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution is suitable for a wide range of samples, including various animal tissues, cells and whole blood.
Work Flow

- Super simple: just heat and simple vortex
- Time saving: Experimentally validated for effective extraction within 6 minutes
- Wide applicability: Solution are validated with stable and compatible with PCR and real-time PCR analysis, and very suitable for high-throughput analysis
Experimental data
EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution is validated and the whole experiment takes only 3-6 minutes (Figure 1). The gDNA samples prepared with EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution were stable and the storage stability test showed that human blood samples containing EDTA extracted with EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution and stored for 14 days were still the same as the unstored samples when used for PCR (Figure 2). In addition, the products can be used for many types of samples, from common animal tissue samples such as spleen, heart and blood (Figure 3), to special samples such as parrot blood and feathers (feather tip) that can be used to extract viral infections commonly found in parrots are available with our product (Figures 4 and 5).
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- Extraction of blood with several incubation times

Figure 1:Genomic DNA of human blood were prepared with EDTA by EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution (TTJ-QS01). The samples were extracted with variety of incubation time and then used for PCR amplification using TOOLS 2X SuperGreen PCR Master Mix (TTC-PA31-10) to examine the extraction efficiency by electrophoresis (100V, 1% TAE agarose gel prepared with TOOLS DNA View (TT-DNA01, BIOTOOLS) in 1X TAE buffer (TT-50TA, TOOLS) for 30 minutes. NTC: no template control. M: TOOLS 1kb Ladder (TMG1kb, BIOTOOLS).
- The efficiency and storage stability of preparing genomic DNA from human blood with EDTA

Figure 2:Genomic DNA from human blood with EDTA were prepared with EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution (TTJ-QS01). The extracted samples further were taken to perform PCR amplification using TOOLS 2X SuperGreen PCR Master Mix (TTC-PA31-10) immediately or after stored for 3, 7, 14 days, The PCR products of SOX21, 237 bp, in every sample were then examined with electrophoresis (100V, 1% TAE agarose gel prepared with TOOLS DNA View (TT-DNA01, BIOTOOLS) in 1X TAE buffer (TT-50TA, TOOLS) for 30 minutes. DNA size was referenced with DNA Ladder. NTC: no template control.
- The efficiency of preparing genomic DNA from mouse tissues

Figure 3:Genomic DNA from mouse spleen, heart, kidney, blood are prepared with EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution (TTJ-QS01). The extracted samples were then used for PCR amplification using TOOLS 2X SuperGreen PCR Master Mix (TTC-PA31-10) examine the extraction efficiency with electrophoresis (100V, 1% TAE agarose gel prepared with TOOLS DNA View (TT-DNA01, BIOTOOLS) in 1X TAE buffer (TT-50TA, TOOLS) for 30 minutes. DNA size was referenced with TOOLS 1kb Ladder (TMG1kb, BIOTOOLS). PC-1: mouse cell cDNA diluted with TTJ-QS01, PC-2: mouse cell cDNA diluted with ddH2O, NTC: no template control.
- Extraction of blood and feather from parrot for PBFD test

Figure 4:Genomic DNA from whole blood of parrot was prepared with EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution (TTJ-QS01). The extracted sample was then used for PCR amplification and electrophoresis to examine the extraction efficiency. The amplicon size was referenced as 500 bp with DNA ladder (lane M).

Figure 5:Genomic DNA from feather tip was prepared with EX-TOOL Quick DNA Extraction Solution (TTJ-QS01). The extracted sample was then used for PCR amplification and electrophoresis to examine the extraction efficiency. The amplicon size was referenced as 500 bp with DNA ladder (lane M).
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